Hi-Efficiency Hydrant

This hydrant is ideally suited to high risk areas where the risk of large fires are prevelant. Ideally suited to high rise buildings, fuel depots, cluster home complexes and any other areas where large volumes of water are required.

This hydrant when used in conjunction with a two port booster and non-return valve delivers water at an unprecidented rate to where it is needed most.

The Woodlands Hi-Efficiency Hydrant has been used throughout Africa for more than 30 years because it is simple to install and use and makes short work of any size fire.

SKU: N/A Category:


•Large Outlet: 100mm bore –Woodlands Patented Thread
•Small Outlet: 65mm London Round Thread(LRT)
•Cast Iron Hydrant body, Aluminium end-caps to prevent corrosion to threads.
•Caps secured to hydrant body by Cable.
•Integrally cast body to avoid leaks
•Large unrestricted waterways.
•Flanged drilled to B.S. 4505 Table “D” to fit most pipelines
•Hydrant is not pressurised when not in use.
•Flow Rates have been recorded in excess of 4500 litres/minute.

100mm Hi-Efficiency Hydrant with 100mm Woodlands Thread and 65mm London Round Thread Outlet.

Additional information


Stand Alone, Complete Set